FREE: Instagram influencers list to promote jewelry shop

Our FREE list of Instagram influencers! The list includes detailed stats for 300 Instagram influencers, that you can use to promote you jewelry boutique!!
We have provided all the statistics, real price of promotion.
You no longer need to pay to expensive online-services for this information.
We've selected exactly those bloggers who are suitable for advertising quality costume jewelry and accessories.
300 bloggers: expensive and cheap, including those who can work on barter (influencer - promotes, you - give the jewelry for free)
At Glozzo Jewelry we've made a spreadsheet from open sources with the cost of advertising from Instagram bloggers especially for our wholesale customers In the spreadsheet you'll find actual cost, reach statistics, region and all other info that usually costs hundreds of dollars
If you already sell or want to sell jewelry on Instagram, you definitely need this spreadsheet!
Related post on Instagram
Follow me on Instagram @alex_glozzo
How to earn 350% on costume jewelry?
Glozzo Wholesale Jewelry - is a high quality non-tarnishing gold-plated jewelry with 180-day warranty